James Haskells BODYFIRE
We Have teamed up with James Haskell to offer bespoke tailored Nutrition plans to accompany your hard training programmes

Some virtues of Turkey
Christmas is a time of year when most of us in the UK sit down to a turkey dinner will all the trimmings. Turkey is one of the leanest protein sources our there so it’s a wonder why more of us aren’t making it a regular choice and not just when we’re pulling crackers. […]

Some virtues of Beetroot
BEETROOT Beetroot is absolutely crammed packed with nutrients and health giving properties and as such has would up on this list. We all know to be careful while wearing a white T-shirt when eating beetroot due to its brilliant ruby colour. Well that colour shows beetroot is a powerful detoxifier and high in assimible […]

Cycling Nutrition Tips
Cycling demands a lot from your body so it is important to ensure you are properly prepared – be it a leisurely ride or a stage on the tour de france – Nutrition plays a big part on how your cycle goes. Here are a few pointers to help you when planning a […]

‘Judo’ Jimmy Wallhead BAMMA 12
Congratulations to ‘Judo’ Jimmy Wallhead on his amazing 1 st round win, coming by way of a rear naked choke

Fighting Machines 6
Blueberry Nutrition is proud to sponsor Fighting Machines Muay Thai promoters 6th installment of Championship action at the Robin Park Arena in Wigan. On March 23rd 2013, a selection of the UKs top fighters will face off on this high-profile event with an anticipated 900-strong crowd. Featuring London’s double World Champion Lyndon Knowles, Sheffield’s K.O […]

The road to the Miami Pro World Championships
The Road to the Miami Pro World Championships Suki Hayer – Mister International Great Britain & Sponsored Athlete On Sunday 7th April I will be stepping on stage for the first time in my fitness modelling career to compete in the Fitness Model Under 75kg Category. Follow my 10 week countdown blog where […]

Hydration & The Athlete
When it comes to Fitness, Training, Nutrition and Health we are all aware that we need to tailor our diets to manipulate our Protein, fats and Carbs in order to achieve our goals. One aspect that is absolutely integral to anyone’s regime that often is overlooked or taken for granted is WATER and hydration. […]

Gaining Lean Muscle Mass
When it comes to nutrition, one area of interest that is on many peoples minds is how to bulk up the right way and make themselves more muscular. This blog tackles this subject, albeit very briefly but you’ll get the picture. Using this as a guide you can pack on a few kilos of muscle […]

Macronutrients – Continued…
Carbohydrate Carbohydrates are metabolized into the blood glucose to become the body’s primary source of energy and exist in our diet in two forms – simple and complex. The simple forms of carbohydrates are the sugars, which are generally present as single units called monosaccharides. These include glucose, fructose and maltose. Disaccharides are also simple […]