Proteins along with carbohydrates and fats are important macro nutrients.On average protein provides the body with approximately 10-15 per cent of its daily calorific intake (approx 50g for women a...
Carbohydrates in their natural unrefined state are an important source of energy and nutrition. Carbohydrates on average should provide the body with 50-60% of its calorific intake (approx. 250g fo...
Fats (lipids) are a good source of calorific energy, but are so concentrated a form it is easy to unwittingly over balance your personal ‘calories consumed / calories expended’ equation...
The word diet and nutrition is always closely followed by the term calorie or calories. It is a word that is associated with every bite we take and present in all our foods, but what exactly does i...
Vitamins are essential compounds that must be consumed in the diet because the body (in most cases) is unable to synthesise them for itself. Vitamins have specific characteristics which include....
Minerals are substances that occur in nature, in the soil and in rocks and are taken up by the roots of plants and therefore find their way into animals. We as humans take on board these minerals b...
BMI or Body Mass Index is a widely used method used to determine whether a person is of a healthy weight. It is a calculation designed to assess how overweight (or underweight) a person might...